What is TruckSafe?

TruckSafe New Zealand is a not-for-profit industry focused safety management system (SMS) that is aimed at improving the safety and professionalism of trucking operators nationwide.


It is an industry initiative, which delivers competitive advantages to organisations with a TruckSafe accreditation


TruckSafe members achieve their certificate through independent auditing


Members and our independent auditors are bound by the TruckSafe Codes of Conduct


The integrity of TruckSafe New Zealand is overseen by the NZ TruckSafe Industry Council (NZTIC)

Developing and implementing practices in accordance with the 2024 TruckSafe SMS can assist organisations to identify and manage their heavy vehicle supply chain risks.

For clients, TruckSafe provides confidence that the organisation has responsible work practices, well maintained vehicles, healthy, trained and competent drivers, and management systems to meet their transport needs.

One of the biggest advantages of being an accredited member of TruckSafe is that our members are externally audited by an independent third party. These external audits can be used as evidence to demonstrate compliance with the TruckSafe SMS which, in turn, provides a strong defence with respect to the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 ,  NZ Legislation and Regulatory compliance.